H called this morning to say he was sorry for not letting me know he would be at my house yesterday. His arrival yesterday was most unexpected and set a tone for most of the day. He was careful to tell me when he would come by today and made sure I understood. Yes, I did understand. He got here right when he said he would and after apologizing once again, and chatting for awhile, he got to work and accomplished a lot!! I was delighted! He did not bring his 2 helpers but didn't seem at all hindered by their absence. I like my new f
loor very much but am eager for it to be finished so I can put my house back together! As you can see, the living room is just as bad as the kitchen, plus much dustier.
So H finished up in a couple of hours and Sas wanted to watch the Game Show channel. Some old episodes of Let's Make a Deal were on and Sas gets excited about picking the door, so she was happy and wagged contentedly when I told her I was going out for awhile.
It is so cold here and I'm sick to death of winter...gray, drizzly, snowy, windy winter. A trip to someplace warm would be welcome, but I cannot leave in the middle of the remodeling project. And by the time the project is done, it should be warmer here and so a trip will unnecessary. There, I've talked myself out of spending thousands of dollars on a vacation! Still, a change of scenery might be nice...well, perhaps later in the year.
My HELL emailer of early this morning was a man of few words indeed. His message, in its entirety(punctuation intact) read: "hI nice legs" Well, those of you who know me know I'm nothing if not polite and so I did what I had to do and emailed him back: "Thanks" I thought that would be the end of it. After all, he was from Port Whatever, NY, which must be hundreds of miles from me. His name was lookin4u420. It seems like many of the men from HELL attach 420 to their monikers. I have no idea what it means and think it's just a coincidence. Lookin's photo showed him in what looked very much like a wet suit and he had a parrot perched on his finger! (I couldn't see if he had a peg leg, but wouldn't be surprised.) He's a bird lover!! Well, Paul Varjak would be excited about that. After my terse response to his succinct message, I did not believe he would write back. But he did! He said: "Hi" What?!? "Hi??" Well, if this is his idea of conversation, I don't think there's a future here at all. I have declined to respond to his last message, if you can call it that. After all, at this rate, it could go on for months before we ever got to paragraphs. S
o, lookin can look elsewhere. I'm sure I'm not the only babe in HELL with a nice pair of legs...