Sasquatch has been spending some time in time-out these days. Her attitude is most distressing and I cannot tolerate it. I understand she's unhappy about the remodeling project, but we simply cannot cancel it now. We have too much time and money invested in it, and besides, I can't walk forever on plywood floors! So, she has to go to her kennel, which she hates, but it's better than having her get in the way and bark and whine constantly. When I was at the office the other day, I noticed a photo of her taken when she was a mere pup. I don't know who that babe to the right is, but she's a looker!
The Super Bitch sticker was given to me by Buford. He knows me too well! Look at Sas with her girlish figure! So cute! So young! So innocent!

That day at the office was an exciting one indeed. The staff had earned a reward...a pizza party! Those of you who know me know there's nothing I love more than a pizza party! And this one promised to be a doozy because we were branching out from our normal pizza supplier and trying something new! And I think we've found a new favorite. This pizza was really quite had the proper oiliness and the cheese was tasty. It had sprinklings of herbs (always a good thing) and the crust, while substantial, wasn't tough or cardboardy. Plus, there were no strange toppings, like chicken. It would be an exaggeration to say that the staff was ecstatic, but they were well fed and seemed happy enough for a day at work. Of course, after all that pizza, I was not planning to cook anything at home that evening, so Sas and I sat on the couch, watching her new favorite, the Food Channel. Tonight was a retrospective of Little BigHead Cooks Italian Stuff! Sas was rapt, but I didn't care that much, so I checked to see if anyone interesting had shown up in my handbasket, and don't you know someone had! His name was grandelatte4u and he was married. But! his spouse had a medical condition. And! he didn't want a divorce. But! he had needz. What? Needz?? A grown man who spells needs with a z?? Well, perhaps his finger hit the wrong key. So, we have found out that grandelatte is married, but "deprived" and yet he's not interested in a divorce. That's probably because he loves his wife deeply and is very compassionate. (Or, as M suggested, maybe she has disability income that grandelatte doesn't wish to give up. And thanks, M, for that perspective. Without it, I might have felt sorry enough for him to have invited him to visit me in the near future. Probably not, but you never know what I might do.) Married and deprived, plus he was interested in a hot, heavin hunny who wanz to get monkey-drunk in lust and who can't get enuf of ridin the lightnin. I'm beginning to think grandelatte had been deprived of an education in spelling in addition to whatever other deprivations he suffers. Well, as romantic and charming as his profile was, (and the idea of ridin the lightnin is quite appealing!) I make it a point never to get involved with married men. It's just too complicated and I need no complications...I'm remodeling! Grandelatte4u = deleted.
Looks like enough wood piled up, why don’t you have your handy handyman whip up a doggie condo? Beats incarceration with strange mutts. You know of course that the kennel is where the bad dogs teach the others how to dig in flowerbeds, chew shoes and boost Buicks. It’s sad but true. Recidivism rates are astounding.