Sunday, April 5, 2009
some HELLish blasts from the past...
My purpose is, indeed, a horse of that color.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
yet another Sunday in HELL
Saturday, March 28, 2009
what fresh HELL is this?
Sas was very put out. Literally put out, as in outside. In her desire to be helpful, she has made a pest of herself and cannot be allowed to stay under foot. Her assistance is most unwelcome today because it is another day of laying hardwood flooring and she has a tendency to be in exactly the wrong place at exactly the wrong do I apparently. So, she's on the deck where she can keep an eye out for looters and thugs and I have retreated to my bedroom, which is in no way far enough away but will have to do for now. She barks and I blog...seems about right to me.
I did remain downstairs long enough to oversee the moving of the china cabinet. H insisted he could move it without breaking anything and he probably could have. But I have a few pieces of Waterford that I'm ridiculously attached to and so I insisted in removing those pieces first. The rest of the stuff can break for all I care...most of it doesn't even have sentimental value.
As you can see from this photo, I have not exaggerated the chaos the remodeling project has generated. There's no point in trying to put anything away, and so it stacks up here and there waiting for the day order can be restored. And that day cannot come soon enough. So, I shouldn't complain about H and A and R showing up unexpectedly. The more they show up, the quicker all this will be done.
The painter was here earlier this week and promises to be finished in a week. Unbelievable and exciting. So good to have something to be excited about!
A check of email revealed a couple of messages from HELL...there has been an unexpected increase in activity from there lately. Unfortunately, the messages are the same old stuff from the same old men. Well, no, the men are different but they might as well be the same. I'm having some serious thoughts about whether or not to continue my HELL experience. More about that later...or earlier since that entry appears below this one.
Friday, March 27, 2009
what to do about HELL
Sunday, March 22, 2009
a quiet Sunday in HELL

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sasquatch goes all swoony-dog
Sas's excitement was apparent as we made our way to Dr G.'s office. She knew where we were going in the same way that she knows when H and A are near. Who knows how she does it; it's enough to know that she does. We had to wait for a time in the outer office. Dr G. was very patiently explaining an injury that a cute little toy fox terrier had suffered to her front leg. He diagnosed a hyper-extended carpus and told the terrier's human that bedrest was important. Well, the human thought that was hysterically funny. Apparently Sas did too as she wagged and twirled in a circle when she heard. Of course, perhaps she was reacting to seeing Dr G. for the first time in a year. The doctor took a few minutes to wash his hands and spray the examination table with disinfectant (he's very hygenic) and then it was our turn. Sas smiled broadly and her eyes sparkled as she walked to the inner office. She was so excited! It took Dr G. and his assistant both to lift her onto the table. (She weighs 67 pounds and probably should think of joining the gym.) She got herself settled on the table then grinned and wiggled with delight as Dr G. asked her how she was, and told her she looked beautiful with her new hairdo (she's quite vain, as I think we've discussed...I cannot imagine where she gets it) and scratched her behind her ears. He rubbed his hand along her back and down her sides and she wagged fiercely. When he turned away to consult her chart, she whimpered a little to get his attention and he did not disappoint...such a good boy! All too soon, it was over. Sas was very quiet on the way home. Perhaps she was reliving the scene in her mind or maybe she was just tired from all that can be most exhausting if one is doing it right. In any case, when
The arrival of H and A meant that remodeling noise would commence shortly. First, they have to tune in their radio because music keeps them energized and on task, I guess.
War, children, it's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayI tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss awayIt's just a kiss awayIt's just a kiss awayIt's just a kiss awayIt's just a kiss awayKiss away, kiss away
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sasquatch and pizza and HELL oh my

Sunday, March 8, 2009
their foot shall slide in due time...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sas goes all disappointed-dog
Actually, since the remodeling has been wreaking havoc with our domain, the office hadn't been the worst place to be...and I cannot believe I have written such a sentence.
But things at the office are familiar. Oh it may look like all is in disarray, but I know where everything is, unlike at my house. And it's quiet there. It has all the conveniences of, ice, the Internet, lots of reference books, in case I need to look something up, like a banking law term...There's that pesky work thing, but many days that can be easily knocked out in a few hours...other days, well, other days it's more difficult. But even so, I walk on carpet or tile at the office instead of plywood and it's not that dusty and there are not men opening my drawers and closets. So I completely understand Sas's desire to be someplace relatively orderly and not dusty.

delicious...canned icing, powdered sugar and imitation strawberry flavoring...mmmmmmm. I would have garnished the white platter with a real (not imitation) strawberry and perhaps a few mint leaves, just for color. And hey! maybe a few sprinkles would be more fun than that boring cocoa powder. And if I were going to make them, I really think I'd use some bittersweet chocolate (60% cacao or better), melted with some heavy cream and chilled until they were firm enough to roll into balls, approximating the look of actual truffles, after which these confections were named. But that's just me...not creative at all.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
office hell
Sunday, March 1, 2009
discontent in HELL...
psychic Sas?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
the hounds of HELL
Saturday, February 21, 2009
another day in remodeling hell...
It was good that she was out of the house because it was chaotic in there! Carpet and floors were being ripped up with abandon; the shop vac blared, plus the radio. You have to have it pretty loud to hear it over the shop vac! There were large male creatures who were generally in the way and it was best that she was spared the ordeal, especially after what she's been through with the winter weather and her many bad hair days. "Lucky dog" took on a whole new meaning...
There was another one...I can't remember his name...I don't remember anything about him, except he used the words "worst case cinerio" in his profile. That was enough for me. And then there was...well, his moniker is just appalling and I cannot reve

When Sas returned from her day of beauty, she was undone by all the changes that had taken place in her absence. She looked at me like WTF?? I tried to explain, but she just wandered around her home, sniffing and looking for familiar things...her carpet was gone, her rug where she chewed happily on bones, gone. She was bewildered, but still pumped up by her new
She was so tired, she refused most of her dinner, which for Sasquatch, is rare indeed. I'd spent the whole day cooking, but I didn't really mind if she wasn't hungry...she'd had a big day, and it was enough for me to see her happy and confident again. Sometimes, a day of beauty is just the thing.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
and now for something completely different...
Monday, February 16, 2009
another kind of HELL...redux, part II
I had spent Friday in frustration, writing reviews, dealing with corporate nonsense, and then had to go back to the office on Saturday to finish reviews and make up snow time. As an exempt employee, I didn't think I should be made to make up time, but da man saw it differently, so I did my corporate duty.
Valentine's Day at the office...five more depressing words have never been written...However, on a bright note, there were Valentine's Day Doughnuts!
Thus fortified by a delicious hamburger and some home-made chips, I went home. But first, I had to stop by the grocery because I had told J&G that I'd bring gumbo to their house for dinner and I needed bread to go with it. I shopped quickly and finally arrived home! At last! It was wonderful to be there and Sas was happy too! I checked the mailbox and guess what? Valentines! Wow! How exciting! There was this one and that one and the other one, and a couple more and surprisingly, one from Sasquatch! How could that have happened? I know too well that all her credit cards are maxxed out and she hasn't even been anywhere to shop lately. Well, she had some help...Oh, and an assorted chocolate sampler in a heart-shaped box sent through the mail and only slightly squashed (although, to tell the truth, I'd have rather had an imported shoe sampler, but I suppose that would have been too much to ask). I read my cards and put the chocolate somewhere out of sight and then finished up the gumbo, which, you may remember was supposed to be my contribution to the office pot luck. But apathy had cancelled that so I was left with a huge pot of seafood stock.
At J's house, the gumbo happily simmered and I added some frozen scallops a
Thursday, February 12, 2009
another kind of hell...redux
Today was exactly like yesterday...another day in performance appraisal hell. Exactly like yesterday...except possibly more frustrating. Yesterday, I had gotten off to a shaky start, but found my rhythm and blazed down the stretch...and if I faltered at the end, well, I figured that today, with a little more conditioning than yesterday, I'd be able to rate and finish strong. But something happened. Like Arazi, the odds-on favorite who finished eighth in the 1992 Derby, I had a bad day. Perhaps I was off my feed...maybe I woke up might have been that someone had tried to kill me with a poison cupcake that morning.
As the pot luck lunch had been cancelled because of apathy, it had been suggested that the leadership team might want to provide cupcakes for the staff, in celebration of Valentine's Day and as a naked plea for acceptance and respect. One editor knew of a cupcake establishment that baked superior cakes, and with the blessing of da man, she ordered cupcakes for the staff.
On the morning of the Cupcake Caper, the managers were frantically writing performance appraisals...or were frantically thinking of writing them...or were sobbing in despair over the prospect of writing 15 or 16 (it's so hard to keep up with the exact number) appraisals in the next 2 days. It was chaotic. Nerves were frayed. Tempers were short. But then, da man appeared with his box of sugary, buttery deliciousness and strolled the aisles between the cubicles, dispensing treats to one and all. I had had to go outside to get some air...all that sobbing had made me all stuffed up and I thought a few deep breaths of sub-zero air would clear things right up. And when I got back in my office, I saw it there on the desk...the red cake of death...Oh it looked innocent enough, sitting there with its wreath of white fluffy frosting and its perky red sugar sprinkles, but I knew what it was right away. Red velvet!
I was stunned. Why was I being singled out? Did upper management think my performance was so dismal that death was to be the "overall rating" on my own appraisal? Was my staff attempting a coup? I couldn't think. And I certainly couldn't work on any performance appraisals. I went to Mr V's office for advice and found him near death, choking and holding his hand to his throat. I quickly opened his cherry Coke and poured it down his gullet. I think the fizz must have worked its way through the clogged up cupcake, much like Drano works on those stubborn clogs in your kitchen sink, because he soon began to breathe normally and his color returned. When he regained his ability to speak, we talked in hushed tones about what might be going on. We called our colleague, B., who reported that since eating her own cupcake, she'd been oddly not able to have a coherent thought. It would take much deep thought and perhaps help from the outside to get to the bottom of this .
Meanwhile, another colleague, Buford, had found the top of one of the cupcake boxes and had been happily playing with it. He asked for a photo, so I obliged. It wasn't like I was getting any work done...I was touched by his childlike glee and was determined to make the best of my frightening situation. But, I also was determined to get to the bottom of the killer cupcake caper, but not today. I was tired and hungry and needed a nap. So I worked at simple things until it was time to go home to my most wise and reassuring boon companion, Sas. Perhaps I'd take a look at the Valentine's matches HELL had sent or maybe we'd just watch a little Game Show Channel. But NOT the Golf Channel, not tonight.