In some cruel mistake of planning, I'm finding myself in the kitchen again today. What?? Two days in a row?? Well, there's a very important pot-luck lunch (Winterlewd 2009) coming up at the office this week, and I must begin my dish today since it takes awhile to complete. The theme of our lunch is...well, we have a number of themes from which to choose...Groundhog Day, Mardi Gras, James Lileks' Gallery of Regrettable Food (love should visit his website)...there are some others that I can't remember. I have chosen Mardi Gras because that theme gives me the opportunity to make seafood gumbo, and those of you who have had my seafood gumbo know that it's the stuff legends are make of. So, today, I'm stirring my roux and chopping onions, bell peppers, celery, garlic (lots) and making my seafood stock from crawfish (my supply of frozen shrimp and lobster shells for stock-making bought it in the recent power outage. Damn!). Later, I'll saute some andouille sausage and maybe a piece or 2 of chicken to enrich the whole thing...Of course, I cannot reveal the whole recipe, but the seafoods will include shrimp, scallops, crab and crawfish. Sounds tasty, no? It will provide much entertainment at the squirrel feeding station on the big day. I'm thinking some Valentine cupcakes would be a nice addition too. Well, it depends on how irritated I am with performance appraisal progress...
Speaking of Valentines, I got a nice one from an e-boyfriend. The weird thing is, I haven't heard anything from this particular one for quite some time and had thought the whole e-romance had disappeared into the strange. Valentine's week might be interesting in HELL. The days leading up to it certainly have been. The season of romance plus the impending full moon have led to some interesting correspondence...from freaks. My HELL profile specifically states that freaks are not to contact me, and yet, they persist. One of the recent ones even referred to himself as a freak in his initial email to me! I said no freaks!! I think they've gotten together and conspired to piss me off. I suppose it's amusing for them, but it just takes up my time, reading their drivel and trying to parse it out into something that makes sense. It's my own fault for reading and trying to understand. You can usually tell within the first few sentences if he's a freak and I should stop reading when the freak light comes on. Sometimes it takes longer though...there was that one guy (PrfesrLuv) who seemed perfectly normal and charming until the day he asked if we could meet face to face and would I mind if he wore his little black dress. I thought it was a joke until he assured me it was not. I guess I'm just too old fa

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