I finally got off the phone...oh, it wasn't anybody cool. Just that lady from the DAV who calls every couple of months. You've talked to her before...she wants to know if you have any clothes, shoes, blankets, toys, small children, small appliances, goldfish, lamps, prosthetic limbs, handbags (or as she says,
pocketbooks...so cute), bags of money, candles, books, scratch paper, gently used DVDs, or anything else they can get for free and resell to the public. Well, I didn't have any of those things...oh, okay, I
did have some of those things but to get them together by her drop dead date was more than I was willing to take on right now. So, I rejoined Sasquatch on the couch and went back to my email from the charming Shih-tzu2u4u8u.
(Sas's attitude had improved greatly since she'd gotten her way about that stupid
Concentration retros

pective. I don't know why she likes it so much; it's not like she has a long enough attention span to really play the game effectively.)
Shih-t wanted to say "Hi!!" and asked if I remembered him from his previous message. But, if I didn't, he included the text of it plus my reply. How thoughtful! He reminded me that he was available 3 or 4 days a week, in case I had found any empty hours that needed filling. He said he liked my hair and he was willing to bet that I was good looking...Well, I corrected that mistaken assumption immediately. Oddly, he didn't ask for a photo. He assured me that many people had told him he was good looking. I can see it now, folks walking up to him, saying, "Hey Shih-t! You're good looking!!" Right...I was curious enough to look at his profile...Oh stop it. I was bored with that dumb Game Show Channel. I looked at his profile, but there wasn't anything there. No picture, no essays, no sidebar information...nothing...at all, except his stupid moniker and location. I didn't think the administrators in HELL allowed a no-profile profile. Well, who can figure them out.
He messaged a few more times, and I answered...I was bored and had nothing better to do. Hugh Downs was really bumming me out too. (Sas loves him though. Sometimes, I have serious reservations about her taste in men...) So, Shih-t's messages served as a distraction. I mentioned to him that his HELL profile was a little...vague. He said he didn't anyone to know it was him. Well, I can certainly understand that...I didn't want anyone to know it was me either, for reasons previously discussed.
He sent some more messages, saying, well, nothing really. Just that he liked my hair, which I thought had already been established, but whatever. He still revealed nothing about him

self though and I was getting a little bored. I asked about his moniker, thinking he must be interested in the Shih Tzu breed of dog...although, it's kind of a frou-frou dog and made me wonder a little about his masculinity...He didn't answer and pressed me for a time we could "get together." Well, I'm not getting together with anyone who won't tell me anything about himself. Besides, I was getting the impression he was only after "one thing," and we all know what that one thing is...not that there's anything wrong with that one thing, but I like to know at least a little something about someone before I just fall into bed with him. (I've been told that I'm too picky, but so be it.) So I wandered off to do important chores like sweeping up bushels of dog hair and cleaning up cat throw up...When I returned to my laptop several hours later, there was another message from Shih-t...a revelation from him, in fact. He reminded me that he was married
what?? and that his wife was done with "..."
what?? Well, this was the first I'd heard about any wife and her lack of interest in ... (and if he can't even type the word in a message, then I doubt that his skills in the bedroom are all that hot, not that I had any intention of finding out.)
He insisted that he had told me about his wife and her aversion to ... but I would have remembered something like that. And really, I'm not interested in helping some man cheat on his wife. So I messaged him back and suggested counseling... I've had no more messages from Shih-tzu2u4u8u.
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