Sasquatch was engrossed in a new show on the Game Show Channel...some Japanese game show, involving young women sitting on fake horses and hitting each other with cream pies. I couldn't figure it out, but Sas was intrigued. So, just for fun, I thought I'd get into Aubergine's email account. I hadn't checked it for several days, so was excited about what I might find.
Well, what I found was Dick Cheney in Aubergine's handbasket. Oh okay, he wasn't really Dick Cheney (I don't guess, although Dick is going to have some time on his hands here in a few days, so who knows) but he looked just like him! His moniker was charliedaniels443322, which is kinda long as monikers go, so I'll call him charlie. Charlie claimed to be from Squatrock KY. I don't know where that is, but it was 142 miles from Louisville. However, charlie said he was working in Belgium. He didn't specify if it was the Belgium in Europe or perhaps some little burg in southern Indiana, so I don't know.
It will come as no surprise to you that charlie was a little strange...so many of HELL's men are strange in some way. And some are strange in very nice ways. Not charlie, though. It's hard to describe his strangeness. It wasn't so much what he said, but the way he phrased things. He was desperate for a girlfriend. That's what he said. "Desparate for a grilfeind is what I am." He wanted her to have a "sence of humour" because he was very very funny. Well, yeah, you got that right, charlie. He wanted a grilfeind to dance with, "neck to neck, ear to shoulder, slowly but with time to the music." Well, I don't know. Is that ear to shoulder thing even physically possible...maybe but who specifies something like that? And what if the music is spritely, charlie? Are you going to insist on dancing slowly then?
He also wanted to stay home and watch movies and snuggle on the couch and cook together and blah, blah, blah...just like so many others. The lack of imagination in HELL is troubling...I did get the impression that English was not charlie's first language, so perhaps he really was in the European Belgium. But if that's the case, why did he say he was from Squatrock? Why am I even speculating. It's not like I'm going to contact charlie, even though he was the most promising of Aubergine's handbasket set.
Looks jaunty, like a fleece headband!
Hey I'm glad you 'recycle'... found a great use for the panties. That's using your, I mean, Sas's noggin!