Friday, December 12, 2008

the Engineer...last time

I sent him an email on Monday, attaching some new photos and telling him how much I had enjoyed our conversation the day before. I checked that account several times that day...nuttin'. When I still hadn't heard from him by the next evening, I called him (call anytime!!). His voice mail picked up and I left a short message asking him to call me. As you've guessed (especially since I've already clued you in that we talked no more) he hadn't called back by the next evening either. I left one last voice message...
He'd mentioned several times that he wasn't bothered by rejection. Well, I guess not! When you're always the rejector and never the rejectee, it's easy to be cavalier about rejection. I, on the other hand, don't take well to rejection. You've heard that cliche about a woman scorned. Well, it's a cliche for a reason.

I began to think...

While I thought, Sasquatch and I still sat on the couch watching the Game Show Channel. Sas especially likes What's My Line reruns. As it happened, the Game Show Channel was having a What's My Line marathon during those first post-Engineer days, so Sas was happy and content. Of course, Sas was always happy and content. That's another thing I like about dogs. They're usually happy and content as long as their most basic needs are met. We humans should strive to be more like dogs. A lot more...

So, I thought and thought and pretty soon, a plan began to take shape. I talked over my plan with Nigel, a lovely man I'd met in HELL...he was in no way relationship material, but we had a good email friendship nevertheless. When Nigel heard of the plan, he urged me to do it and laughed maniacally...Bwahahahahaha. Thanks Nigel, you know who you are...


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