As I've said, Aubergine seemed to attract the freakiest of the freakies. DrCliffphd was another. DrCliffphd (Rabidfox TN) was, well, a little bit out there in so many ways. His main goal in life seemed to be finding a "good" woman to take with him on his quest for honky tonks. (Why oh why do so many of them say they're looking for a "good" woman? Is it conceivable that any of them would be looking for a "bad" woman? A naughty woman, sure...a slut, even...but really bad, I doubt it. It creeps me out a little and leaves me wondering, "Am I good enough?" I don't wonder that very long though...) He would quit his job, and he and his good woman would travel across the United States looking in small towns and rural areas for undiscovered honky tonks where real music was still played, preferably by live musicians, but a good sound system would work in a pinch.
Anyway, DrCliffphd seemed to have a lot of unresolved anger. He was mad that he had all these advanced degrees and yet could only find work as a security guard. (Really, Cliffphd? You have multiple PhDs, and all you can do is guard big box stores in the middle of the night? Really? OK, yeah. I believe you) With the DrCliffphd types, it seems better to be agreeable, at least until you're sure you've actually gotten rid of them. Cliffyphd also wanted to eviscerate all bar owners and bar tenders because, well Cliffphd was a dancer and he could not find any good honky tonks that played the good old country music his feet were all ripe for dancin' to because all the bars had gone to karaoke.
So far, we've learned that Cliffphd had dancin', evisceratin' and good woman findin' on his mind. Sounds perfect! In the section of HELL entitled, "what people notice about me first," Cliffphd had written that people most often noticed that he never smiled. His photo bore this out...Well, I guess the doctor didn't really have all that much to smile about, being a frustrated dancer, eviscerator, good-woman-finder and advanced-degree-job-holder to boot. Nevertheless, all this did not seem to add up to a high datable-potential score. I almost felt a little sorry for Cliffphd, although by no means sorry enough to ever in a million years contact him back. It just didn't seem prudent. He is possibly a most charming and kind man, but if so, he really should take look at his profile and ask himself why it screams demented serial eviscerator.
Anyway, DrCliffphd seemed to have a lot of unresolved anger. He was mad that he had all these advanced degrees and yet could only find work as a security guard. (Really, Cliffphd? You have multiple PhDs, and all you can do is guard big box stores in the middle of the night? Really? OK, yeah. I believe you) With the DrCliffphd types, it seems better to be agreeable, at least until you're sure you've actually gotten rid of them. Cliffyphd also wanted to eviscerate all bar owners and bar tenders because, well Cliffphd was a dancer and he could not find any good honky tonks that played the good old country music his feet were all ripe for dancin' to because all the bars had gone to karaoke.
So far, we've learned that Cliffphd had dancin', evisceratin' and good woman findin' on his mind. Sounds perfect! In the section of HELL entitled, "what people notice about me first," Cliffphd had written that people most often noticed that he never smiled. His photo bore this out...Well, I guess the doctor didn't really have all that much to smile about, being a frustrated dancer, eviscerator, good-woman-finder and advanced-degree-job-holder to boot. Nevertheless, all this did not seem to add up to a high datable-potential score. I almost felt a little sorry for Cliffphd, although by no means sorry enough to ever in a million years contact him back. It just didn't seem prudent. He is possibly a most charming and kind man, but if so, he really should take look at his profile and ask himself why it screams demented serial eviscerator.
DrCliffphd = [deleted]
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