Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How it began, the sequel

My husband had been dead ...
(not passed away, not gone over. No, he was dead. I know this because when he died, the nurses at the hospital insisted that I spend some quality time with his body. Oh I could have refused, but that seemed crass. After all my husband had just died! I stayed there in that hospital room with his absolutely dead body for about an hour [and wow! was it quiet in there] until I found enough courage to seek out someone to ask WTF was I supposed to do now? Nobody tells you these things!)
... for about 18 months and I felt like it was time to find a suitable male companion. I like men. No, really. I find them endearing and besides, if you give them a wink and a promise, they'll usually do at least some of those things you don't want to do, like answer the door on Halloween. Living in Hee Haw country, I'd found it hard to find a suitable companion. Some people I knew had had some small success with online dating, so I thought, "Why not me?" And so, I signed on with a free service, which probably should remain nameless like those slacker employees. Let's just call it Hello!Eros or HELL for short.
Before I knew it, I'd filled out a profile and there it was... actually on the HELL web site! I was pretty excited. It wasn't long before I got my first encounter.


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