So why a blog? And why now? This online dating thing is very new to me...unexplored territory and I think there are some valuable lessons to be learned about human nature to be sure, but also about my own nature. I don't want to forget what I've learned and I also don't want to forget the men I've met on the web site. Blogging is pretty immediate plus easy to do (who knew?!?).

So this blog is a personal record mostly...a diary if you will. If anyone stumbles across it and gets a little chuckle, I'm glad. If you HAVE stumbled in here, first, I'm delighted and second, you really should read it chronologically; (bottom up in blog land, as upside down as online dating!) otherwise, it won' t make any sense whatsoever. Some of this blog is obviously fiction, (What'sMy Line isn't Sasquatch's favorite show. $10,000 Pyramid is.) but it's based on my experiences. Some of the men I'll talk about are composites; others are very much real. And while I may say uncomplimentary things, I really am careful to conceal identities.
A very nice man on HELL's counterpart suggested the blog's title, Tour de Freaks. Thanks T, you know who you are...
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